Letter to the Editor: Does Telenor Even Remember that Once it had a Persona Blog?

Dear ProPakistani,

Telenor_Persona_BlogIt has been more than a month now that I am trying to visit the Telenor Persona blog but every time I open http://www.telenor.com.pk/personablog/, I get the same HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

What is this? Are Telenor people even aware this fact? Do they know anything about what is going with their blog and if not then somebody better tell them that it is too long  for their website to be inaccessible.

What kind a blog is it if people can’t access it and can’t read or leave any comment on it?

Probably, these Telenor guys have forgotten that they even had a blog to maintain. This is actually what happens when you put too much in your plate.

They should only have as many websites and blogs that they can manage easily, otherwise it will leave all their customers as disgruntled and annoyed as I am right now.

have always been very fond of Telenor Weblounge and Djuice website, but I have to say this is by far the biggest disappointment for me!

From an annoyed Djuice blogger!


Telecom Recorder says that it has received a statement from Telenor Pakistan, which says that company is in the process of revamping its personablog with latest and informative features for its received customers.

So let’s see when it happens! we will keep you posted with updates on this.


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