Huawei Banks on High-End Devices to Consolidate its Market Direction

Huawei is aiming high for its next flagship phone in Pakistan, the Huawei P8, which has already made waves in international markets. The company is aiming for its latest smartphones to have the highest level of technology and performance in the market.

This new phone will have 13-megapixel main camera with OIS (optical image stabilization), RGBW four-color sensor as well as a self-developed eight-core processor. Huawei P8 is also equipped with technology to make the screen recognize even finger joints.

Huawei’s said that it is targeting to sell 10 million units of P8. According to Chinese media reports, last September Huawei released almost 4 million units of Mate 7, another high end phone from the company.

In 2011, Huawei slowly changed evolved from low-end market to high-end segment and that showed in the sales stats with increasing share of high-end phones. Last year high-end smartphones shipment made 18% of Huawei’s total shipments and the company is now aiming to take this figure to 30% during ongoing fiscal year.

Huawei’s CEO said:

Huawei’s goal is not to increase their sales for high ended phones but want to become a big challenge for Apple and Samsung for high ended phones.

According to international news, Huawei is eyeing 100 million shipments in 2015. Last year, the company managed to ship 75 million units in total.

Given that Android market is still going strong, especially in developing markets, it will be interesting to see if Huawei manages to achieve its target of 100 million shipments during 2015.

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Press Release