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Twitter introduces ‘Moments’ to Show Instant Highlights of the Day

If you use Twitter to keep up with the latest on-goings across the globe, this is what everyone on the internet is talking about right now. Moments: the latest feature launched by Twitter yesterday. It’s designed to show the best of Twitter in an instant.

You must also be aware that unless you have followed certain accounts, finding about the latest event reporting by a user, or witnessing live commentaries or even coming across shocking conversations between celebrities that are circulating the social media are hard to find. Moments helps you solve this problem in Twitter’s own unique manner.

The feature has been launched in U.S. today and will ultimately come to other regions of the world.

How It Works

The users will discover a lightning bolt icon next to their notifications and messages when it’s introduced in the country. Once they tap the icon, it will lead them to featured stories in the form of tweets, photos and videos much like a magazine or a news app. You are able to swipe through a variation of topics, a mix of news and everyday topics, also including entertainment and sports. This is the most popular and important content of the day which is not based on who you follow, but on what’s happening on Twitter.

Moments will be updated according to the new information. You will get an update about the new story since your last view via a blue dot in the upper right hand corner of the image associated with Moment. For stories which will be updated fairly frequently, like commentaries of sporting events, you will have the option of ‘following’ the Moment, which is incorporated directly into your timeline. When the story ends, your timeline will be left same as before.

Why It’s a Good Thing

It is clear that the feature is made for those users who find Twitter complex. It makes the latest updates easy to reach and digest. It’s about “getting the gist” of what’s going on, without having to go into the complications of following certain people to sifting through hundreds of tweets to search for the one you have heard about. With Moments, you will have access to all the latest happenings and events, even those that you are not personally following.

According to a Twitter rep, the new feature provides “better discovery for an easier, more delightful experience for users who haven’t been able to find value thus far.” Moments definitely provides value to the user experience of both old and new users. It is a great attempt to uplift the user growth which declined this year in the face of hundreds of dormant Twitter accounts. It will help the users quickly and easily find tweets that will keep them using the service.

While Facebook kept offering new features on the social network, Twitter was labeled as being stagnant and boring. If this is an attempt to change that, Twitter is definitely on the right track. Once the feature is introduced in Pakistan, the platform will attract a lot of users from the country who prefer their social media interactions to be less complicated, especially from the older generation. Moments might just be the thing which gives Twitter an edge on Facebook.


Published by
Laraib Qureshi