The Definitive Guide to Marketing Yourself on Twitter

Twitter has 302 million active users (numbers from May 2015) and the count is increasing rapidly. These users send out more than 500 million Tweets/retweets on a daily basis. This data presents a great opportunity for local businesses to get in touch with local and global audiences.

While planning to run a business online, it doesn’t matter what type of business you are running. People from different areas of expertise/interests i.e. Retailers, Designers, B2B Software providing companies to Apple/Android Application companies are working successfully through Twitter. It helps large organizations get in touch with local business partners.

If you are new to Twitter, then you should start by creating your account today. And an engaging and compelling business profile that attracts users at that. Here are some major points that can help you gain more followers and business deals. In short, here’s how you can go about marketing yourself on Twitter successfully.

1: Optimized Twitter Bio

While starting a local business on Twitter, make sure that your Twitter bio is compelling and covering all major aspects of your business in a precise way. Twitter bio is actually a feature that allows you to voice your company’s motive, identity, and branding. According to Social Network gurus, Twitter bio is actually your business card that sells your business so make it worth reading. Below, a Twitter handle of local businessman of UK is shared that will help you to get the idea for creating an appealing profile.

The figure shows an optimized bio of a small local bakery business.

2: Finding People with Similar Interests As Yours and Interacting With Them:

Always remember that Twitter is all about Follow and being followed virtually. So make sure that you are following experts of your field so that you can learn something new every now and then. While starting your business and learning ways to interact with people, make sure that you follow the strategy of listening and observing. Take a moment before jumping into the arena. Observe how businessmen are actually trending locally or globally. Make a list of ideas and start developing your own content ideas that are creative.

You can observe the Tweets of famous marketers and businessmen and their top interactions to see how people react and engage with them. Twitter is all about Tweeting, Retweeting, and Favorites. After observing how customers are engaging with other local business brands, make sure that you are also following the same rule to save time and money. Above all, you can also start implementing your own strategies and tactics of marketing to see whether they work or not. Below is a Tweet which is not only engaging but very creative because they have promoted their business in a unique way. Unlike Facebook, Twitter offers a limited count of 140 characters which means you have to be very precise by using call-to-action words.

3. Using 80/20 Principle for Business Promotion:

Applying the 80/20 rule to run your business is a great idea and you can easily engage and run a business effectively. Make sure that 80% of your Tweets should be interacting with customers, retweeting and favoring their ideas and suggestions. Once getting fame and rapport on Twitter, you should start offering special discounts and purchases to customers.

4. Tweeting Images to Enhance Your Brand’s Visibility:

Tweeting images is a great idea to get more visibility of your brand because it will get more Retweets, Favorites, and engagement of people. While optimizing your image, make sure that the image and content you are sharing is relevant to your brand’s motto. Refrain from sharing random images on your business profile because it will not be helpful in gaining customers.

The figure shows engagement of users on your graphical Tweets which is relatively high.

5. Promoting your Brand on Twitter and Analytics:

To gain more followers and visibility, it is a good idea to promote your brand or Tweet. Before promoting your Tweet, make sure that you are using available audience targeting options to engage with right customers. Call-to-action keywords and link to your website are a must while promoting your Tweet. Once the campaign is broadcasted, your Tweet will appear in timeline as shown below:

The figure shows a promoted Tweet. Yellow Arrow indicates that it is a promoted message.

The figure shows detailed insights of a promoted Tweet.

On the face of it, Twitter by far is the most reliable and simple marketing tool that can enhance your sales, following and visibility on social media. Once promoting your Tweets, you can also check the analytics of your Tweets by following the Analytics option.

Published by
Mahd Mahmood