Google To Establish Its 15th Data Center for $600 Million

Google has announced that it will be constructing a new global data center. The new data center will be constructed at the former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in Clarksville. TVA was once the home to Hemlock Semiconductor Company. Google has set an amount of US $600 million for the establishment of this data center.

Details about the Data Center

The location has been acquired from the Hemlock Semiconductor Company via the official signing agreement on Tuesday. The details regarding the secretive deal were leaked prior to the official announcement which happened yesterday. The location will be transformed into Google’s 15th global data center and will service its search engine and overall cloud app capacity.

The TVA will also manage the electric power demands of the massive data center. Google has revealed that it will be making use of the existing infrastructure at Hemlock’s old site. By making use of the existing infrastructure combined with the latest technologies, it will help Google reduce costs. Plans show that this will be Google’s most advanced data center to date.

Google’s Latest Project Commits to the Company’s Green Energy Initiatives

Google has been trying to go green with its new projects and this new data center will incorporate similar technologies to reduce Google’s carbon footprint. The deal with TVA will also assist Google in investing in new renewable energy projects for the area. The search giant will then work with wholesale power distributors to bring those projects to the region’s electric supply grid.

The whole project will take quite some time before it becomes active. Google points out that it could be a few years before it can make use of the data center. When it does go online, the initial phase will see about 70 people working at the site. All of these engineers will be employed well before work begins. The team will be expanded as the data center is incorporated into Google’s current setup.

Here’s a look at a Google Data Center in action:

Published by
Aadil Shadman