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TEDxIslamabad is Hosting an Event on March 19th

TEDxIslamabad is hosting an event in Islamabad on the 19th of March. It is a TED licensed event led by Saad Hamid. The Islamabad version of TED has brought over 15 events with over 50 TED talks by popular speakers from across the country.

About TED and TEDx

TED is a global foundation which works to spread new ideas via conferences, sessions and online videos. It started off in 1984, as a platform for discussions about Entertainment, Technology and Design but has grown to become home to a wider spectrum of discussions. TEDx is a programme which gives communities an opportunity to create their very own TED like experience. Events sponsored by TEDx generally consists of local speakers and individuals with some great ideas.

TEDxIslamabad is Coming

TEDxIslamabad has been working hard over 6 years and the programme has made every effort to assist communities, organizations and individuals in starting up conversations which could lead to a better future. The events generally offer a combination of TED Talk videos and live speeches (or Talks). These are managed and handled independently by the local head. Details regarding the speakers for the event will be announced later.

A Facebook post states “On March 19, 2016- we will be hosting TEDxIslamabad 2016 in Islamabad with the aim to share stories and ideas of resilience, change and breaking barriers from the society.”

  • Time: 12pm
  • Registration Deadline: 5th March. Registrations
  • Entry : are free of cost and only registered applicants will receive event invitations.
  • Based on the management’s unique selection algorithm, a certain number of individuals with diverse backgrounds and relevant interests will be offered invitations.

Those willing to apply have to go here and fill a form with personal info, TEDx and TED Talk history, and a lot of other information about their interests.

More information regarding the event is available on TEDxIslamabad website and its Facebook page.

Published by
Aadil Shadman