Need a New Phone? Use These Sites to Find the Best Prices in Pakistan!

Admit it. When you get the itch to buy a new smartphone, your first instinct is to compare the prices from every retailer that has it.

Every Mobile Buyer’s dilemma: Store X has the model I want for 1000 Rs more. Store Y has it for 2500 Rs off the normal retail price. I wonder if there are other deals I’m missing out on.

To arrive at the above conclusion involves you hunting for bargains online, calling your friends and mobile wallahs frantically, and basically spending an all-nighter with a trusty old cup of chai or coffee.

What if there was a way to just avoid all annoyance? What if you could get your phone for the best price out there? Period.

This is where Price comparison websites and apps come in. And today, we’ll be taking a look at some of the Pakistani online price comparison tools out there.

Using PriceOye is simple. You search for the phone you have your eyes on, and click on it. The website automatically lists the price of the smartphone from all online stores that have it in stock, along with the price they offer it for.

A screengrab of PriceOye and its listing for iPhone SE

Simple and easy. The user interface is minimal and that works in PriceOye’s favor as people can view all the important information at a glance.

You can save up to Rs. 15,000 if you visit all big online stores in Pakistan before making your next purchase. This is for mobile phones only!


What if it wasn’t mobiles that you were looking to get comparative analysis on? What if you wanted to compare TV prices? Laptops and even mobile package bundles while you’re at it? All this and more can be found at PriceMatch.

A screengrab of PriceMatch and its listing for OnePlus One


The website is designed for looks and accessibility both, helping visitors get acquainted with all the features that it has to offer. More options mean it is easier to get lost in the maze, but for those who are looking for more than just mobile phone online comparison websites, PriceMatch is the best bet.


So you need a website that lists both new and used smartphones? And a good database of sellers willing to offer you more deals on used handsets? In this case, Shopbuzz.PK fits the bill.

The average Pakistani visits at least three different online shopping websites to gather relevant information for making a buying decision

A screengrab of Shopbuzz and its listing for LG G3

The website design utilizes simple grid and tables, so that visitors can compare prices instantly and get in touch with online stores and individual sellers alike. is a price comparison website that allows users to compare prices of mobile phones. But thats not all it does. You can also find other electronic products or see listings of hotels, schools, universities and more.
A screengrab of and its product catalog is a combination of price comparison and listing portal with over 10,000 products listed on the website from 20+ ecommerce stores. This can present issues when it comes to discoverability of good deals but their website gives you a list of the most popular products in the most popular categories at a glance. This also helps in saving shoppers loads of time in navigating to the best deals out there.

Concluding Thoughts

We hope that these online websites for finding best prices of popular smartphone models can help you cut down on the time (and energy) it takes to get the best deal out there. Convenience is the name of the game and these websites provide you the best options no matter wherever you are.

Published by
Samir Yawar