If You Want to Learn To Code, This is the Only Resource You Need

The demand for computer science skills is higher than ever. Programming is fast becoming a super power of sorts and with the rise of freelancing, anyone who is good can start earning.

Whether you want to change your career or if you have just loved coding for years but never got the chance to learn it, there is an online resource for the average person to become a professional programmer. Free Code Camp is the place, and (as the name suggests) you don’t need to spend a dime if you want to head in this direction.

Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean you are thrown to a random resources where you have to find and learn everything yourself. Getting good at coding takes time and this site features a sequence of online courses which can help even beginners become a web developer. It’s probably one of the most comprehensive free resources of its kind we’ve seen.

How You Learn

You start with basics and learning to build a simple webpage. After that, students move to programming with Javascript and eventually towards complete web applications using modern frameworks like Angular and Node. The resource’s curriculum also includes resources from other places like Stanford University’s Computer Science 101 course and tutorials from the Codeacademy.

Unlike paid courses, you are not bound by time and you can learn at your own free time. After you’ve finished up your curriculum, about 400 hours of front-end development, data visualisation, back-end development each, you also get an opportunity to gain real-world experience. Other online resources might be able to teach you, but if you want a job in this field, you don’t need a degree but you do need experience. Free Code Camp offers you an intriguing chance to gain hands-on experience.

You get to build apps for non-profits. Meanwhile, you get to learn about project planning and working with a team, two crucial skills to get you a job. You can sign up for this work experience and do another 800 hours of work, but this time as a professional programmer. By the end of it, you’ll have a portfolio of projects under your belt and free front-end development certificate after you are done.

What You Learn

Online camp offers free self-paced challenges which help you learn many different languages, frameworks and other skills. The complete list of skills you can learn are given below:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • Git, GitHub and Heroku
  • Node.js
  • React.js
  • Sass
  • D3.js
  • Database development and management (MongoDB etc.)
  • Express

Free Code Camp is based on peer learning. The company manages several slack chat rooms, a workplace messaging platform, and coordinates with local Facebook groups around the world to ensure local meetups and pair programming. Students, over 200,000 in total, can help each other solve problems and deal with learning issues. They can also work together on coding challenges and even work on projects together.

By the end of it, you’ll have a portfolio of projects under your belt and one or all of the following free certifications:

  • Front-end Development Certification
  • Data Visualisation Certification
  • Back-end Certification
  • Full Stack Certification (Once you’ve finished it all)

Additionally, you are also offered an 80 hour interview preparation course, which is also optional but would be a good asset when you are hunting for jobs. They even have a job board where employers can find the best suited developers who have earned the certifications.

Final Thoughts

Since the online resource’s launch in October 2014, over 30,000 people have completed the full 2,000 hour course. Many of them are either freelancing or have real jobs now, according to Quincy Larson, the founder of Free Code Camp.

You can always try it out and see whether you are meant for programming or not. Whatever the case, the helping developer community might be the unique factor which keeps you clinging to the bootcamp even if you believe it’s too hard for you.

If you love programming, join the Free Code Camp. You can always continue at your own pace so time is not an issue. You can go here and sign up to the community.

Published by
Aadil Shadman