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4 Pakistanis Make It to the Forbes ’30 Under 30′ List in 2016

Forbes, the world’s most reputable business publication, has released its annual list of ’30 Under 30.’

The 30 Under 30 list details 600 young people from all around the world who are making waves as entrepreneurs. The list is based on 20 different fields and they regularly feature those who have the drive and motivation to lead the new generation to greater heights.

It is heartening to see that this year, 4 Pakistanis made it to the Forbes list. They have been featured under the Marketing and Social Entrepreneurship categories.

Here are they:

Khalida Brohi (25 years) from Sughar Empowerment Society

Khalida is an activist who works tirelessly for women’s rights. She’s the founder of a non-profit organization Sughar that specializes in helping Pakistani women learn skills that can make them economically and personally empowered.

Sughar is operational in 23 Pakistani villages and it provides a 6-month training program to women that can help them earn and support themselves. The organization teaches everything from traditional embroidery skills, business marketing knowledge, and  how to get loans for their business.

Fiza Farhan (27 Years) from Buksh Foundation

Fiza Farhan is a young social entrepreneur whose organization offers microfinance solutions to the poor. Buksh Foundation has worked to provided clean energy projects in rural areas of Pakistan.

The organization has provided training to as many as 135 women as energy entrepreneurs to date. Fizan and her foundation have succeeded in providing solar powered lights to 6,750 all over Pakistan.

Umar Anwar Jahangir (24 years) from Secretary Bahria Medics

Part of several health initiatives in Karachi, Umar Jahangir’s efforts also include Pakistan’s first blood-donor bank for the local community through cellular networks. In addition to health initiatives he is also a member of the Youth parliament of Pakistan and has worked with the government to achieve developmental goals.

Over the past 6 year he has been contributing to towards health development and communication sectors.

Muniba Mazari (28 years)

She has represented Pakistan on the face of the world. She is an artist, writer and a motivational speaker. Muniba was appointed as Pakistan’s first Goodwill ambassador to advance gender equality and empowerment of women by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women.

Called the “Iron-Lady” she proves that disabilities (she herself is wheelchair bound) are no obstacles in achieving your goals and are mere illusions in the face of true effort and sincerity.

These 4 Pakistanis have proved that it is possible to fight the good fight no matter wherever you are.

Published by
Haamiz Ahmed