
Pakistani Researcher’s System Can Predict Effects of Cosmetic Procedures with 3D-imaging

A Pakistani-Australian computer science researcher at the University of Western Australia has developed a 3D-imaging system that can accurately predict the outputs of different cosmetic procedures.

Currently, when a patient goes for a cosmetic surgery of their face, they are given a treatment sheet, which is not very accurate at predicting the end result.

Syed Afaq Ali Shah, a Pakistani-Australian PhD in 3D Computer Vision and machine learning, has been working alongside a group of researchers to revolutionize the whole process.

Led by 3D computer vision expert Mohammed Bennamoun as the Chief Investigator, the research team includes Dr.Syed Afaq Ali Shah and Dr.Michael Molton, a UWA graduate and cosmetic medical practitioner. The research is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project grant and Dr.Molton’s company Cosmetic Medicine Australia Pty Ltd.

They have successfully developed a system that can evaluate cosmetic procedures and their effects. Basically, they produce a 3D-scan of the patient and, using their software, determine what it will look like post-treatment using 3D-imagery. It is a major milestone and is way better than the currently-used two- dimensional photography methods that are unreliable as well as misleading.

“We’ve been working in this area of 3D for close to 20 years,” says Mohammed Bennamoun. “The scanning is very quick, it takes us seconds to do that.”

Now based in Perth, Western Austrailia, Syed Afaq Ali Shah is a Research Associate and Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth. He did his Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering and then went on to get his PhD in in 3D-imaging and machine learning.

During his Masters, he also developed a computer-aided system for diagnosis of osteoarthritis in the human knee and published a research paper.

Image— BotoxDoctor

Published by
Rehan Ahmed