
You Can Finally Buy .Blog Domain Names

The internet as we know has been limited to .com, .net, .org and government domains for the most part. However, with millions of websites getting into the business every day, it has become a difficult task to find a suitable name for your site. Addresses running out is a very real possibility which is why ICANN, the body that governs these matters, allowed for new TLDs.

Now, Automattic – the parent company of has announced the launch of .blog domains. These domains will work similar to .com and will have all the privileges of a .com domain.

Where to Buy?

.blog domain will be available at and their partner registrars ( The domain will be available to everyone as there is no specific criteria to get a .blog domain regardless of who hosts it or what kind of site you are running.

How to Choose?

To choose a .blog domain, visit blog or their website, Head over to My Sites > Domains and search for the .blog domain of your choice.

WordPress is offering a lot of options to choose from, irrespective of what your website is about.


As for pricing, a basic .blog domain will be available for around $30 per year, with higher prices for premium names.

It’s not necessary to have a WordPress or site to get a .blog domain. Users can also sign up for .blog domain at or through their any other domain provider.

Furthermore, you can also add .blog domain to one of your already registered websites. There will be one primary domain, and all your other domains will redirect to the primary domain. However, the visitors will always see your primary domain at the address bar.

Published by
M Zuhair