
Visa to Launch Its QR-Based mVisa Payment Service in Pakistan

If you are familiar with Android Pay or Samsung Pay service, then you will be happy to know that Visa QR payments are coming to Pakistan.

For those who don’t know, in QR based payments you can simply scan a QR code at the checkout of an online store or a physical store to make the payment. This makes it faster and easier to pay for anything you buy and is secure as well.

Visa’s QR code payment system is called mVisa and is currently available in India, Kenya and Rwanda. It will be coming to these countries in the near future:

  • Pakistan
  • Egypt
  • Ghana
  • Kazakhastan
  • Nigeria
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam

Similar to EasyPaisa

It is quite similar to Easypaisa’s services where you can use an app on your smartphone to securely pay online merchants at checkout. Normally you have to enter sensitive credit/debit card info to make the payment but with mVisa all you need to do is scan a QR code. The payment is made safely and automatically, saving time and voiding the risk involved with entering sensitive info at an online store.

You can also send and receive payments in a similar fashion. You will need to link your Visa debit/credit card with the mVisa application to use it however.

Example Case

An example of this is Mahanagar Gas Limited, a gas utility company in India which uses QR codes on the bills. The customers can pay the bill by simply scanning the code. It saves the hassle of going to a bank or logging into your bank account for paying the bill through online banking.

There is no word on a release date unfortunately.

Published by
Haamiz Ahmed