
SC Takes Notice of Massive Corruption in Sindh Public Service Commission

The Supreme Court in Islamabad has recently raised very serious questions about the way the Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) held its regular examinations – or rather the reasons they failed to do so.

The SPSC is supposed to regularly hold Combined Competitive Exam (CCE) but the Supreme Court has found out that the commission has held the exam only six times since it was created 28 years ago.

The gaps between examinations spanned many years with exams being held only in 1992, 1995, 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013 and Justice Qazi Faez Isa noticed this. A 34-page judgement was issued on the illegal appointment of the chairman and other members of the SPSC.

In all the years that there were no exams, initial appointments for vacancies were made by alternative, non-prescribed methods.

A list of current and foreseeable future vacancies has to be submitted by the government to allow the commission to be able to conduct these examinations,but it was never sent by the government while the commission never bothered to ask.

The court further commented that the commission had failed to complete its constitutional duty and as a result there were hardly any competent and able officers left in the government. Besides this, the public is also being denied the right of good governance while young men and women are increasingly left out of the opportunity to enter the civil service.

The Sindh commission is further held accountable for all this mismanagement and corruption because the FPSC, central super services (CSS) and other provinces have succeeded in holding competitive examinations every year.

Another illegal act was the fact that 25 posts in urban areas of Sindh had been left vacant without any reason. This was in the 2013 examination.

The discrimination in the selection process, if proven true, would be a direct infringement of Article 27 of the Constitution.

The provincial government has been directed by Judge Amir Hani Muslim of the Supreme Court to find a new chairman for the SPSC in two weeks. The new chairman must meet the conditions stipulated in Article 242 (1B) of the constitution while members appointed should meet the prescribed qualifications.

Although the screening test results have not been canceled, the 2813 candidates who took the exam for the 182 listed vacant posts have to retake the exam, even if the stipulated upper age has been crossed.

The results will be published in the Urdu, English, and Sindhi newspapers on the notice board of the premises and on the commission’s website while keeping the identity of the candidates anonymous.

via Express Tribune  

Published by
Amal Hashim