
Google Launches Feed to Deliver Personalized News

Google’s Search app is one of the company’s more simple and barebones offering on phones. As of today, the app is becoming much more than that.

The Google app is getting a news feed in addition to its search features, Intriguingly, the app is not the only place where you’ll be getting the feed; the webpage is getting similar features, too.

It’ll display content based on the users’ past search behavior and interests, including news stories, videos, music and more. Users will be able to follow further topics of interest in the feed by entering their name in the search bar, and clicking “Follow”.

Following “Stranger Things”

Topics which you are interested on can be tapped for further coverage right from the feed.

Weeding Out Fake News

Sources for these news stories can also be tinkered with, giving users more than a single outlet for some happening. There will also be a fact-checking feature to help combat the ever-present rise of fake news, curated with the help of websites such as Politifact.

Lastly, there is a content filter which hides potentially sensitive sensitive or personal topics from your feed. In the future, you’ll be able to view past news stories from topics you’ve only recently started following, to keep you up-to-date.

Not Your Run-of-the-mill News Feed App

As is clear by now, the app is more than a simple news app. Rather, it is a hub where you can get updates on topics that you yourself choose to follow, rather than being bombarded with breaking stories only.

Google’s Search app has seldom been regularly updated with new features since the launch of Now cards almost four years ago. However, the new feed will give the network a better chance against ever-increasing ensemble of similar offerings.

Published by
Azeem Ullah