
This Light Bulb Requires No Electricity to Work

When the sun goes down what is it that you do? We turn on the lights.

We are amongst the lucky ones who take electric lights for granted. But did you know, that for more than one fifth of the world, this is not possible.

Its shocking that despite all the progress mankind has made in the past few decades, some 1.7 billion people in the world don’t have access to electricity today.

This brings us to the question of the day. What about the people who need lights but don’t have the electricity to do that?

The Gravity Light Foundation has a solution for them.

About the Gravity Light

The Foundation has introduced a very innovative device – a device that lets yo generate light by lifting weights. Here’s how it works.

There is a bag attached to the light. You can use this bag and fill it up with a stone or sand, while hanging the light at your preferred spot in the ceiling.

Your involvement ends here, as the bag takes care of the illumination by descending slowly and slowly to the ground. The light stays on for a total of 25 minutes this way, after which you have to repeat the process. Hence the name behind the invention – Gravity Light.

It might seem like a hassle to most of us but in some corners of the world where infrastructure and energy needs are yet to materialize, the Gravity Light is nothing short of a godsend.

Can Be Used Anywhere

The light does not require any other kind of energy like sun or batteries. It can be used at any hour of the day, over and over again.

The biggest advantage of this light is that it will reduce the use of kerosene lamps. Unlike kerosene lamps, these don’t give out toxic and life-threatening fumes, another good reason why the Gravity Light needs to be popularized.

In fact, the light produced by Gravity Light is five times the light produced by the kerosene oil.

This lamp has zero running costs. This would free the people from poverty and the ever-increasing costs of kerosene as well, given how its a sustainable source of light.

There’s no doubt that the Gravity Light has started to benefit a lot of people already. One of its users from Africa had this to say about it:

Children from our neighborhood come to our house to do their homework because of Gravity Light.

About The Gravity Light Foundation

The Gravity Light foundation is a non-profit organization who aims to provide low-cost, off-grid solutions for places which face electricity problems. They try to make their innovations safe and environment-friendly so they can help alleviate poverty and protect the environment.

Published by
Fatima Qadri