
This Cycle Lets You Watch Netflix and Burn Those Calories Away

Have you been binge watching season after season on Netflix while dreaming about losing those weight? I’m sure most of us have entertained this thought.

If you were wondering if there is something that can help you just that, then good news for you. Ronan Byrne, an engineer of Dublin Institute of Technology, has come up with a setup which only lets you watch Netflix while you are working out.

Presenting Cyflix

Cyflix is here to help you get motivated. It literally forces you to get your speed up if you want to continue watching the latest episode of House of Cards.

The setup behind Cyflix is very simple. It includes a cycling bike connected to an Arduino Nano unit, which in turn helps in controlling the video stream on a laptop or PC.

The main idea behind this project is that you only have to provide a few inputs and click a button, as your web browser opens up and streams Netflix for you if your performance is good.

The program monitors your speed according to the inputs you provided. If the speed is not being met for a certain period then the show will be paused till you gain back the speed.

For those who are worried that it works just for Netflix, fret not. It can be customized for other online streaming sites by just making a few adjustments. The setup requires a few basic things like Arduino, PC or laptop, 10k resistor, a few wires, some nuts and bolts and last but not the least a stationary exercising bike.

The project still has a long way to go. Nonetheless it is a very good idea which will finally get some of us moving.

Via DailyDot

Published by
Fatima Qadri