Health & Medicine

Sania Nishtar to Head WHO Commission

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the formation of a high-level global directive on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). This commission will be controlled by Pakistan’s Dr. Sania Nishtar, so those innovative ways are found to remove the world’s biggest causes of death, according to a statement.

Director General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “We require new immediate methods and implementation on an intense level if we want to stop people from dying needlessly from noncommunicable diseases. I’m resolute and I will be employing the very best people from around the world to address our health challenges.”

Dr. Nishtar is the chairperson of this initiative as well as a former short-term minister of Pakistan. She’s been a notable civil society activist and a renowned global advocate raising voice to avert the noncommunicable diseases.

What is Noncommunicable disease

NCD’s include cardiac disease, cancer, diabetes and respiratory disease. It also consists of fatal wounds, violence, and psychological health issues that result in the death of about 40 million people globally every year, which adds up to 70 percent of total deaths. According to the estimate, 15 million deaths comprise of people between ages 30 and 69.

Countries with lower or middle standard income are noted to have 80 percent of the deaths resulting from NCDs. Young people, especially boys are said to have devastating impact caused by violence and injuries.

World Leaders committed to NCDs:

In the year 2015, the world leaders pledged to decrease premature deaths caused by the NCDs, up to one third by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Recent WHO reports suggest that the world will struggle to meet the target goal.

However, later this month the ministers and other health leaders from all over the world will review the progress on this target at the WHO Global Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Via Dawn

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