
Surf Excel #HaarKoHarao Campaign Highlights Children’s Welfare

Today is Universal Children’s Day. It was first celebrated in 1954, on the 20th of November, and has been held since then every year. Children’s Day aims to highlight and encourage efforts towards the welfare of the world’s children.

We all know that our children represent the best hope for the future. Making the world better for them means making the world better for future generations. This is precisely why the welfare of children takes center stage.

For its part, Surf Excel, one of the premier brands that is also a household name in Pakistan, is rolling out a campaign that intends to do just that. It aims to highlight how far children have come and how giving them the self-confidence and encouragement is necessary for both them and the parents.

Surf Excel Holds a Social Experiment #HaarKoHarao

Surf Excel devised an all-ages activity between parents and their children as an interesting social experiment.

Parents and kids were asked to walk across a wooden log measuring 20 feet. Here’s how it all went down:

The really interesting thing about this social exercise was to determine who could finally conquer the fear of failure #HaarKoHarao. Parents who slipped from the log were quick to give up on crossing it. But their kids were another story altogether. They kept at the activity until they finally crossed the 20 ft long log.

Surf Excel’s campaign Sparks a Conversation

The idea here was simple. Children who are encouraged to never give up, to power on against the challenges of life with confidence, these souls tend to face life situations a lot better. This is why the parents role in nurturing that positive and can-do attitude in their children is so important.

Fear of failure shouldn’t stop the children of today from achieving the dreams of tomorrow. Positive reinforcement and encouragement to do better are vital aspects of parenting in this day and age.

Its time that parents, and other stakeholders thought about the welfare of our children towards making this world a more tolerant, empathic and gentle place to live in.

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