
Alert: Your PCs Will Slow Down Soon Due to a Major Intel Design Flaw

Intel processors are the most popular and widely used chips throughout the world. A recent discovery has revealed that these very chips have a design error which makes your computer vulnerable to malware.

OS updates for fixing this error will slow down your PC.

Windows, Linux, and other OS kernels have to be redesigned to work with this error because this flaw is a hardware-level security glitch. The kernel needs to have a workaround for the processor to function ideally.

The new update will inevitably slow down computers and cause the flawed processors to run at an even slower rate than usual.

Newer computers might not be affected as much because the latest Intel chips come with PCID – a module to counter performance reduction. A 17% performance reduction is expected for them although it could be as much as 23% if your processor is older.

Programmers are still unsure about what caused the flaw – they believe the OS are not able to address it and the only apparent solution is a software update or getting another processor.

The main issue, however, is not the reduced performance but this vulnerability can be used by hackers and software-based malware to break into the security systems of your computer.

All your data has to go through the kernel in order to be processed and presented on your screen while being used. This data is usually protected by the kernel but due to the incompatibility of OS with the Intel chips, this data is vulnerable and open to manipulation.

This issue does not affect AMD processor, so if you’re running the Ryzen chips or the older A-12 processors you’re safe.

You can either fix this problem by changing your hardware or wait for the updates which would, at worst, slow down your PC.

Published by
Sarmad Sameer