Foodpanda Brings “Kashmir the Band” to Your Doorstep This Independence Day

‘Tis the season of turning officially green!

With the spirit of independence infused in the air, Pakistan has begun celebrating some of its most valued memories of sacrifice and patriotism from the yesteryears.

Keeping up its tradition of celebrating what it means to be a true Pakistani, Pakistan’s favourite, foodpanda is now out on the streets delivering not just our favourite food from across town but also an exciting surprise.

This independence day, foodpanda has collaborated with Pakistan’s newest singing sensation, Kashmir – The Band, to unite Pakistanis with what they love the most: good food and great music!

The campaign has already begun with Kashmir – the band delivering their very first food order packed in cute little pink boxes especially designed for their fans. And that’s not it. The band is also performing an exclusive Azadi jam right at your door step!


To enjoy a hearty meal and great music with your family and friends this independence season, simply use the promo code “AZADIJAM” while checking out on the foodpanda app or website and get a chance to see Pakistan’s favorite band jam with you right in the comfort of your own home.

To check out how foodpanda is winning hearts with its newest collaboration, head over to the campaign’s hashtag #foodpandaAzadiJam and let the true spirits of celebration, patriotism and togetherness spread all around!

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