Press Releases

Foodpanda Together With Its Customers Take on Diabetes

On the occasion of Word Diabetes Day, the online food ordering juggernaut foodpanda decided to raise awareness regarding diabetes which is fast becoming a mounting epidemic in the country.

According to The Diabetes Prevalence Survey of Pakistan, there is a staggering 16.98 % prevalence of diabetes amongst the populous. An estimated 35.3 million people among the adult population are found diabetic in Pakistan.

foodpanda spread the message of combating the disease via taking preventive measures and staying healthy by ordering healthy. This message was supported by many of foodpanda customers who are living with diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common disease in households which has affected an estimated 350 million people globally. People diagnosed with the disease have to follow strict diet plans and maintain and active lifestyle in order to remain healthy and fit. Keeping track of calories and sugar intake is the order of the day for people living with diabetes.  Although this didn’t stop a few special foodies who decided to share their love for food with their loved ones who have been diagnosed with diabetes by treating them with some sugar free treats.

Foodpanda is the best when it comes to ordering food, it makes our life easy whenever anyone craves for desert. To curb the cravings and satisfying the sweet tooth Foodpanda is always our choice to go.

With such good being done across the country, foodpanda decided to make a few luck customers feel extra special as they decided to treat them and their loved ones who have been fighting diabetes with some delicious sugar free deserts.

It’s refreshing to see that a brand like foodpanda has actually gone all out in order to serve its customer and their loved the food they love regardless of health related limitations and showcased the fact that that they genuinely care for their customers.  We can safely say that foodpanda showed people diagnosed with diabetes a fresh perspective on how to enjoy life to the fullest despite the obstacles that life throws at them.

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