
This Campaign is Asking Pakistanis to Pledge to Stop Animal Abuse for Entertainment

With the inability to communicate and being physically unable to break-free, performance animals are usually taken for granted. From beating, starving and mutilating them, animal cruelty is constantly on the rise.

Performing animals such as monkeys and bears begin their journey by being snatched away from their mothers and later, their owners resort to abuse.

Despite jurisdictions around the world which enact statutes forbidding cruelty towards animals, the awareness aspect is still necessary in Pakistan.

We are still not aware of the constant fear embedded in these animals, of being beaten, starved and punished, while they put on a show for our entertainment. If it’s not something natural, then it’s being enforced.

The campaign, “Are You Not Entertained?” is designed to show the general public the wrongs we have been involved in for the sake of our entertainment. We clap, enjoy, pay and go about our day not giving a second thought to the pain and fear the performance animals go through.

To help performance animals, this campaign is asking people to take a pledge through a website. This will allow people to stop the use of wild animals for entertainment purposes and proclaim their support. For more information and to take the pledge, follow the page Are You Not Entertained?

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