
This Website is Being Used by Mass Shooters Before They Carry Out Their Attacks

Mass shootings by white supremacists are becoming more and more common in the US. One of the reasons behind these brutal acts is hatred against minority communities such as Muslims, Christians, Latinos, etc.

El Passo shootings on Saturday shocked the world as a 21-year-old killed 20 people, leaving multiple injured in what is considered as the deadliest mass shooting in Texas. Most of the victims were Mexican, considering El Passo is a predominantly Hispanic suburb.

The incident took place at the local Walmart as Patrick Crusius opened fire with a rifle.

A shocking revelation, however, is that the shootings were announced in advance on an online messaging board called 8chan.

What’s scarier is that this is the third time such an incident has happened in less than 6 months where anonymous users announced it well before the terrorist activities took place.

The shooter allegedly posted a 4-page manifesto less than 20 minutes before the shootings were reported at Walmart.

Here’s a screenshot:

The suspect called the attack “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas”.

According to the reports, the platform is rife with conspiracy theories, racist content, and supremacists cheer such events.

The suspect arrested in El Passo shootings was cheered as ‘our guy’ on 8chan, similar to that of Christchurch mass shootings where the murderer was praised across multiple social media platforms.

After pressure from the online community, Cloudfare has decided to pull the plug on 8chan and the anonymous users on the website are not too happy about it.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Let us know in the comment section.

Published by
Sajawal Rehman