Tech and Telecom

Google Accidentally Teases Android 11

Android 10 may not be available for most smartphones but that hasn’t stopped Google from already teasing its successor, Android 11.

The reveal was a clumsy mistake as Google accidentally put the web page for Android 11 Developer Preview on its website before quickly taking it down. Following the link now redirects to the Android 10 Developer page.

None of the links on the page have been updated so far, but it does reveal some key improvements we can expect from Android 11. The new OS will include system changes and their effects on apps, new safeguards for better privacy, new features and APIs for foldable phones, connectivity, biometrics, and more.

Since the page’s appearance was seemingly a mistake, it is unclear whether a new Developer Preview is coming soon. However, since last year’s Developer Preview dropped early in March, it’s possible that the Android team is setting everything up and are preparing for the official announcement.

Google hasn’t revealed anything official as of yet, but we will update this space as soon as more is revealed.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed