
Safety Features We’d Like to See in Cars in Pakistan

Pakistan’s local auto sector has always been heavily criticized. The biggest dilemma that most people have to face when buying a new car is that the value you get for your money is very low compared to other markets in the region and despite high prices, the cars still lack basic features and are even substandard in some cases.

Even now, reports often come out about various manufacturing defects being discovered in a brand new car whether it’s shoddy tires or spark plugs that are simply too small for the car’s engine. A cursory glance through various auto-related forums in the country provides ample evidence of such issues.

Until recently, the auto sector was dominated by Honda, Suzuki, and Toyota but with the introduction of the auto development policy, several new entrants are challenging the status quo. The new entrants have also been helped by the absurd price hikes by local manufacturers which have contributed to declining sales.

Recently, we found out that the government was considering introducing safety regulations as well as quality checks for the auto sector. And we think that now is as good a time as any to do so. With increasing competition and more entrants, the government has more leverage and can mandate rules that will set the direction of the industry for the next decades.

Here are the features we think should be present in every private commercial car sold in Pakistan.


This is the single most vital safety feature that should be available in cars alongside proper seat belts. The disappointing part is that in other countries, it’s treated as standard and manufacturers even put in 8 or more airbags to keep passengers safe but in Pakistan, it is seen as a luxury or worse, an optional feature.


A good brake is the difference between a minor accident and a fatal one. ABS brakes prevent the tyres from locking up in an emergency braking situation and make sure the car doesn’t skid. As a result, cars are more stable and you get better vehicle control.

Engine Quality

This one might be unexpected but it’s a need given that temperatures across Pakistan alongside the ever-increasing number of cars on the road. However, this one is also not entirely dependent on manufacturers themselves.

To improve the life of the engine and ensure fewer breakdowns and optimal performance, efforts are also needed from oil companies to improve the quality of fuel since the world has moved towards Euro IV fuel and beyond but we are still stuck on Euro I.

Better quality engines mean that the fuel will burn more efficiently and help reduce air pollution which will help curb the smog in our cities, which is a massive challenge. This way, the pace of climate change can also be reduced.


The government must bring some sort of mechanism that will help control the price or at the very least protect the customers.

Over the last few months in particular, we’ve seen senseless price increases despite the fact that dollar’s value had been going down.

Maybe implementing a localization policy that will help reduce the cost of production or stop the carmakers from pushing the cost of production onto the customers would be wise.

Safety Association

Countries across the world have bodies and associations that rate cars based on their fuel efficiency, safety and other features. We feel that Pakistan needs one such body as it will help customers decide which car is best suited for their needs, rather than the current one size fits all situations.

This will also force the carmakers to enhance their quality and add safety features.


While the things we talked about above are those that we would love to see become mandated in some form, there are features that we would like to see in the optional category such as semi-autonomous driving aids including brake assist, hill assist, traction control amongst others.

Something on the infotainment side as well such as Android Play would be a nice feature to have.

What kinda of things you would like to see in the local cars? Let us know in the comments below.

Published by
Hasan Saeed