
Trump Wants Stricter Coronavirus Restrictions on Muslims Compared to Christians

President Donald Trump has called for Muslims to observe the same movement and social distancing restrictions during Ramadan as Christians on Easter. He made these remarks while addressing a press briefing in Washington the other night.

Trump was defending a retweet of a conservative commentator who called for equally stricter punishment for Muslims breaking the lockdown protocol during Ramadan as for Christians.

Trump believes that Muslims in the United States were treated as a privileged community and called for parity among all faiths.


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I would say that there could be a difference. And we’ll have to see what will happen. Because I’ve seen a great disparity in this country. They go after Christian churches but they don’t tend to go after mosques.

Trump’s comment was referring to several occurrences where Christians during the Easter holidays were dealt with strictly for breaking the lockdown to attend services.

The holy month of Ramadan begins this Friday in the US with Muslims, and the rest of the country, experiencing a complete lockdown due to coronavirus outbreak.

When asked if Muslim clerics will not follow the protocol, Trump opted to disagree.


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No, I don’t think that at all. I am somebody that believes in faith. And it matters not what your faith is. But our politicians seem to treat different faiths very differently.

The United States has recorded more than 700,000 COVID-19 cases in the past two months with death toll crossing 40,000-mark.

Sensing the emergency, the Islamic Society of North America, as well as Muslim medical experts, have called for the suspension of congregational prayers, among other religious gatherings.

Published by
Rizvi Syed