Tech and Telecom

MIT Develops Sensors Embedded in Clothes to Monitor Your Health

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has come up with a COVID-19 sensor that can be embedded into clothing and monitors the wearer’s health vitals. These sensors are responsible for monitoring the vital signs of the body like respiratory rate, heart rate, and body temperature.

These sensors can be integrated into any clothing including polyester which is usually used for athletic wear. The sensors are very thin and therefore protect the aesthetics of the garment’s design. These sensors are also waterproof which means these are machine washable and can also be removed and re-used in different garments.

In particular, this could be a cost-effective and time-saving way for patients with chronic illnesses that require constant check-ups to be in touch with their doctors. The individuals can themselves collect the data and send it to their doctors who can then remotely monitor the condition, resulting in an automated process that makes it easier for both the patients and the doctors.

The MIT prototype communicates with a smartphone and has potential in a variety of industries such as sporting, medical, and even space to monitor astronauts’ vitals. Part of this research was funded by NASA and the MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative.

The idea of wearable sensors has certainly been tried before and some prototypes were produced, but MIT’s version looks like the most convenient for the wearer and the most accurate for the healthcare professionals.

The need for remote healthcare is at an all-time high during the COVID-19 pandemic and this development is one step forward to fulfilling this need.

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ProPK Staff