
Gas Outage is Freaking You Out? Here’s How You Can Keep Your House Warm in Winter

By Wasib Imdad  

Winters are here and so is the fear that again, these months of low temperatures will be marked by flickering heaters, cold stoves, dim fire pits, and still an ever-high gas bill. An option to switch to electric geysers, heaters, and stoves can be heavy on the pocket due to an increase in electricity bills.

Since the season has just begun and you may already be getting the gas-outage signs, diluting your frenzy is as it brings you these clever ideas to keep your heating bill low and in check while ensuring that you stay cozy these winters.

Clear Out Exterior Walls in Daytime

During the day, usually more sunlight is absorbed by the exterior walls. Therefore, the easiest way to keep the house warm in winters is to let them do so. If any shades are installed over the outer walls, remove them.

Later, at night, that absorbed heat will help keep your house warm. If curtains are in place, ensure that the windows are draped by the thinner layer of the curtain so that the warm sunlight can flood the unit. After 4 PM, when the direction of the sun changes, draw the curtains tight to stop any cool air from pervading the absorbed warmth.

Follow the Rule of Thumb

Follow something known as the ‘Rule of Thumb’, where it is made sure that the curtains are draped on the windows at night. It is because the air can seep in through the gaps that are usually present in the windows.

Usually, people, in colder nights, use two-layered curtains or a single thicker one to keep the cold draft away. The inner layer must be lighter because it acts as a seal, and it prevents the cold air from coming or going outside. The outer layer should be heavier as it allows the warmth in but acts as a direct block to the rays entering.

The Direction of Ceiling Fans to be Reversed

Till now, if you’ve been thinking that fans are only effective during warmer and humid days, you’re mistaken.

Fans can be of great utility during the colder months and that can be seen by flipping the direction of the ceiling fan motor. By doing so, the room will instantly feel warmer because clockwise rotation pushes the warm air down increasing the temperature of the room.  This trick will reduce the electricity bill by 10% as the thermostat can be lowered which usually consumes more power.

Running air conditioners during this season is not normal only but also maintains a comfortable temperature inside the house. DC Inverter AC reduces the electricity it needs and constantly keeps heating the room. By running in a low power consumption state, DC Inverter ACs save a lot of electricity.

Buy the Best Blankets

To stay cozy and warm at night, it must be ensured that the bedding is up to par.

When nature turns its thermostat down, the obvious solution is to turn the heat on in the bed. Just as written above with the curtains, layers of blankets can keep you warmer. Experts are of the opinion that heat can be best trapped by down-filled blankets, with percale or sateen sheets below them. They also suggest going extra-warm by using an electric blanket.

In case the warmth still isn’t enough, consider going for an electric mattress pad as it warms the whole bed from beneath the sheets.

Electric blankets should also only be used in the master bedroom and not in the children’s bedroom.

Check for Loopholes

You must have heard that a door stopper can help you stop the temperature of your house from plummeting.

If bedroom windows have several gaps, the warmth inside due to its lower density will leak away, leaving you wondering and chilly at the same time. The ideal solution to it is to get all doors and windows checked so that any unwanted air movement can be stopped and the room’s temperature can remain in control.

This will not only stop bugs from sneaking in but also curtail the energy losses.

Move Your Bed Away from The Window

If your bed is situated right under the window, you’ll ideally be sleeping on just a single side knowing that the colder air is seeping through from the window. The only solution to it, as mentioned earlier, is to cover the windows and block any seepage through them or to shift your bed away from it.

Make sure that the windows aren’t multi-paned, as if they are, the glass will cool down which will, in turn, cool down the air all around and make the room temperatures go cooler as well. This, however, isn’t a solution for every bedroom but worth a try.

Use a Thick Area Rug

Wood and laminate flooring have many advantages but keeping the place warm isn’t one of them. Thus, bestow a favor upon yourself and keep a thick area rug which will help insulate your room and keep your feet warm.

The sheepskin will not only be a heftier dose of style but will also cause coziness, allowing you to be a bit more mobile in the room.

Wasib Imdad is a Content Specialist at

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