Tech and Telecom

Zoom is Making Live Captions Free for Everyone

Zoom users will no longer have to pay for the app’s live transcription feature that creates automatic closed captioning for everyone in the call. This is because Zoom is adding it to its list of free features available to everyone on the platform.

The video calling platform has announced that the feature will be made available to everyone for free this year. This will allow everyone to see real-time captions for people during video calls, which should improve the communication quality for people calling from different regions of the world.

Here is what Zoom said in a blog post:

Now we are excited to announce that we are looking to take our efforts a step further and are working towards making automatic closed captioning —what we refer to as “Live Transcription”— available to all of our users in the fall of 2021.

In order to use this feature, you’ll need to sign up for it by filling an online form to request the feature. Once the request is processed, Zoom will send a confirmation email to you that will enable live transcription on your account.

However, keep in mind that the feature only supports English for now and the app requests users to speak clearly in order for it to work properly. More languages will likely be added later on.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed