
RUDA to Build 100,000 Low-Cost Houses Besides River Ravi in Lahore

Imran Amin, CEO of Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA), met with Dr. James L. Wescoat, a landscape architect from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a team from LUMS on Friday.

Dr. Wescoat, who specializes in climate concerns, water management, and architectural history, showed an interest in learning more about RUDA, the world’s largest riverside development project.

Mohsin Atiq, Director of Hydrology, provided an in-depth briefing on the project’s hydrological, ecological, and environmental elements. CEO Amin stressed that RUDA’s first objective is to revitalize the environment and ecology and that the project’s target is to construct 100,000 low-cost residences using RUDA’s own CSR money.

He also addressed RUDA’s objectives for water treatment, garbage disposal, and forest planting to effect change. Dr. Wescoat inquired about flood control, to which the CEO responded that RUDA’s long-term plan is adaptable to future scientific results and legislation.

Dr. Wescoat contributed his technical skills and future direction. CEO Amin committed to taking all necessary steps to ensure the project’s success and to protect Lahore against future water and environmental concerns.

Published by
Asma Sajid