
Tragic Incident at Peshawar University Leaves Security Supervisor Dead

An unfortunate incident occurred at the campus of the University of Peshawar (UoP) on Sunday, when the security supervisor was killed by a fellow security guard’s pistol accidentally being discharged.

The incident has put the university in a state of shock and fear. Officials are looking into the matter to determine what caused this tragic accident.

As per the university management, the security supervisor, Saqlain Bangash, was a former university employee who had joined numerous private security firms after retiring a few years ago. He was now employed by Sigma Security Company and had been stationed at the UoP.

The specifics of the incident remain unknown. Nevertheless, preliminary reports indicate that Bangash was on a security tour of the hostels at midday when he was shot.

In related news, last month Professor Bashir Muhammad, a senior English lecturer at Islamia College University, was shot and killed following a verbal dispute with a security officer called Sher Muhammad.

The perpetrator fled the scene, an FIR was filed, and a police investigation was launched after the victim’s brother made a complaint.

Published by
Asma Sajid