Tech and Telecom

Android is Getting a Handy Space Saving Feature

Google is rolling out its auto-archive feature on Android, which allows you to remove unused apps from a device without erasing user data. This new feature is comparable to Apple’s Offload Unused Apps feature on iOS and can free up nearly 60% of an app’s storage space without having you delete any of your apps.

What’s even better is that this feature is automatic, meaning you won’t have to go cleaning up all your storage when you run out of space. Still, the feature will ask for permission before removing anything.

Google has confirmed that this new app archiving feature is only available on apps that are published in the App Bundle format.

When a user attempts to download an app from the Play Store while their device is low on storage, they will be asked to opt-in to the auto-archive feature. After agreeing to the terms, the device will have the ability to archive unused apps in order to free up storage space.

Even after being archived, apps will still be visible in the app drawer and on the home screen, but they will feature a grey cloud icon overlay. If you wish to use an archived app, you can simply tap on its icon, which will cause the app files to be re-downloaded, allowing you to use it just like before.

You can also alter your app archiving preferences through Settings anytime. Google does not mention which Android versions the feature will work with, but we are assuming that it will probably be incompatible with older releases.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed