
Skardu’s First International Flight to Arrive From Dubai on Independence Day

Skardu’s first international flight, coming from Dubai, is set to touch down at its airport on Pakistan’s Independence Day (14 August), according to Gilgit-Baltistan’s Chief Secretary, Mohyuddin Ahmed Wani.

Skardu Airport is the only one in the country’s northern region to be capable of handling larger airplanes, as the runways at Gilgit and Chitral airports are too short for long-haul flights.

Back in December 2021, former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, declared Skardu Airport ‘international,’ but its full potential could not be realized due to the lack of a proper re-fuelling facility for international flights.

However, the issue has now been resolved, and the re-fuelling facility is expected to be inaugurated on 11 August.

Recently, 12 Airbus A320 flights successfully connected Skardu with major cities in Pakistan, showing a rise in tourism to the region.

In another update, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has clarified that passengers traveling to and from Skardu do not require polio vaccination cards.

The CAA warned against falling for fake online offers claiming to provide such cards, stressing that there is no such requirement.

Instead, passengers are advised to inquire with the airlines about the health policies of the countries they intend to travel to, particularly regarding polio vaccinations.

Published by
Salman Ahmed