
UAE Residents Set to Enjoy Extended Breaks on Upcoming Public Holidays

UAE residents are preparing for some much-needed leisure time as two major public holidays approach.

The birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), expected to fall on 27 September, is likely to give residents a three-day weekend. However, the official commemoration on Friday 29 September, will depend on Moon sightings.

In instances where the holiday coincides with a Friday, residents can enjoy an extended three-day weekend, spanning from Friday to Sunday. Another notable public holiday awaits on 2-3 December, marking the UAE National Day.

UAE National Day is a significant occasion that marks the formation of the country. This year, the holiday falls on a Friday, giving yet another prolonged weekend for UAE residents.

These public holidays are important for both residents and expatriates, as they provide a great chance to connect with loved ones, learn about the country’s cultural heritage, and participate in a variety of events and activities.

Published by
Salman Ahmed