
Electricity Prices Increased by 80% Since 2022

People around the country have lately voiced their disappointment and outrage over high electricity bills, with the past year and a half alone seeing up to an 80 percent increase in power tariffs.

Since 2022, the power tariff has jumped by Rs. 15.41, while the tax on commercial and domestic consumers is 78 percent and over 50 percent, respectively, according to a national daily.

Electricity rates for non-protected domestic users jumped by 80 percent, with the per-unit rate seeing an increase of Rs. 10.91 to Rs. 24.39 from Rs. 13.48 last year.

Further breakdown of the data reveals that bills for up to 200 units have increased by 60 percent. The unit that was last year sold for Rs. 18.95 has jumped to Rs. 30.86.

Moreover, the power tariff for consumers with usage of 300 units was raised by Rs. 12.91 per unit from Rs. 22.14 last year to Rs. 35.04.

For 400-unit consumers, the power tariff increased by Rs. 14.41, bringing the per-unit cost to Rs. 39.94.

In one and a half years, the cost for customers posting consumption of 500 units or more was hiked by Rs. 15.41 per unit. Meanwhile, the same tariff has seen a big increase to Rs. 50.63 per unit for consumers with 700 units or more during a single billing cycle.


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ProPK Staff