In a groundbreaking move, Lahore District and Sessions Judge Jazeela Aslam has been appointed as the new registrar of the Supreme Court of Pakistan on a three-year deputation. This historic appointment makes her the first woman to hold this prestigious position.
The decision was formally announced through a notification issued with the approval of Lahore High Court (LHC) Chief Justice Muhammad Ameer Bhatti and signed by LHC Registrar Khalid Bashir.
As per the notification, Judge Jazeela Aslam will serve as the Supreme Court’s registrar for the specified duration unless instructed otherwise. This marks a significant milestone in Pakistan’s legal history, breaking gender barriers at the highest echelons of the judiciary.
Jazeela Aslam’s remarkable career boasts an impressive educational background, including a first division honors bachelor’s degree from Kinnaird College and an LLB from Punjab University. She secured the second position in the competitive judicial examination of Punjab.
Her journey in the legal profession began in 1994 when she joined the Punjab Judicial Service as a civil judge/judicial magistrate. Over the years, she has held diverse roles, including deputy solicitor, instructor at the Federal Judicial Academy, and academics director at the Punjab Judicial Academy.
In 2019, she authored ‘Guidelines on Writing Judgments’ for civil judges, and in 2020, she prepared a report on women’s right to inheritance, showcasing her commitment to justice and equality.
Judge Jazeela Aslam’s appointment as the Supreme Court registrar marks a significant step toward gender inclusivity in Pakistan’s judiciary, cementing her legacy as the most senior woman district and sessions judge in the province of Punjab.