
New Foreign Travel Rules for Government Officials Rolled Out

The Cabinet Division has introduced a new foreign travel policy for federal ministers and government officials, under decisions made by the federal cabinet.

The new policy has made it mandatory to obtain permission from the austerity committee for visits without unavoidable reasons. Furthermore, providing all the details of the visit to the Foreign Ministry is also mandatory now.

According to official documents, ministers and secretaries can no longer undertake simultaneous foreign visits. However, in case both the officials are required to travel abroad, they must seek permission from the Prime Minister.

The new policy encourages involving embassy officers in conferences held abroad. Moreover, government officials are limited to traveling overseas for essential reasons only, as per the updated guidelines.

Following the implementation of the new policy, government officials can no longer stay in five-star hotels during foreign trips. Additionally, support staff has been prohibited from accompanying government officers on their travels.

Teleconferencing has been suggested as a viable alternative to foreign visits whenever possible. Moreover, visits by ministers, ministers of state, advisors, and assistants are contingent upon approval from the prime minister.

Similarly, secretaries, additional secretaries, and in charge of the divisions would also require the PM’s permission.

Delegations consisting of three officers and Grade 20 officers will be permitted foreign travel by the respective minister. However, permission for larger delegations must be sought from the prime minister through the ministries of finance and foreign affairs.

Ministers, ministers of state, advisors, and assistants are allowed to make three foreign trips per year. This number can be increased depending on the circumstances.

It is pertinent to mention that exceptions to the travel restrictions are made for the foreign and commerce ministries. Meanwhile, visits to international financial institutions require a No-Objection Certificate from the Economic Affairs Division.

The documents state that officials, including the president, chief justice of Pakistan, senators, MNAs, federal secretaries, ambassadors, the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the services chiefs, would be entitled to travel first class.

The prime minister, Senate chairman, the National Assembly speaker, federal ministers, and the ministers of state are allowed to travel business class.

All the officers of the federal government institutions would travel in economy class only. Furthermore, officials would prefer traveling via the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Ministers can’t travel abroad during National Assembly or Senate sessions. 

The details of foreign visits must be submitted to the Foreign Ministry within 15 days, as per the new policy. The guidelines underscore the importance of following the ‘One China Policy’ for official and semi-official relations with Taiwan. Additionally, special permission is required for any contact with Korea.

The new policy has discouraged the hosting of foreign companies. The document stated that experts and consultants will be authorized to visit only during bilateral discussions.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak