
PSX to List Big Bird Foods on Monday

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) will officially list Big Bird Foods Limited (BBFL) on August 5, 2024, the main bourse said in a notice on Friday.

BBFL is being listed on the Exchange after merger/amalgamation of MetaTech Trading Limited (META) with and into Big Bird Foods Limited sanctioned by the Lahore High Court vide Order dated June 26, 2024. As per the swap ratio disclosed in the Scheme, the shareholders of META have been allotted 0.24 shares of BBFL against 1 share of META.

Name Authorized Capital Before Merger Authorized Capital After Merger
BBFL Rs. 3 billion divided into 300 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each Rs. 3.6 billion divided into 360 million shares of Rs. 10 each
META Rs. 600 million divided into 60 million shares of Rs. 10 each Dissolved by the Order of the Lahore High Court without winding up
Total Rs. 3.6 billion Rs. 3.6 billion

The following information along with a brief overview of BBFL is attached for ready reference:

Trading in the shares of the Company will commence on the PSX Main Board from Monday, August 05, 2024, and shall be settled on a T+2 basis. The first settlement date will be Wednesday, August 07, 2024.

The Market Lot of the Company will be 1 share of Rs. 10/- each.

The shares of the Company have already been declared as an eligible security by the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC) and all the transactions shall be settled through the National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited (NCCPL). NCCPL has assigned “BBFL” to the Company as its Company Code/Security Symbol.

The Opening Price of the shares of the Company will be Rs. 51.28/- per share as determined by the Company and duly certified by the auditor has already been disseminated through PUCARS on July 23, 2024.

The Company will be quoted in the “Food & Personal Care Products” Sector in the Daily Quotation of the Exchange.

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ProPK Staff