Faysal Bank has announced the launch of its ‘Faysal Islami Amal Women Digital Account’. This account has been developed keeping in line with the State Bank’s agenda of financial inclusion.
With a considerable percentage of Pakistan’s female population being financially excluded the digital account access represents Faysal Bank’s commitment towards empowering women with financial enablement tools.
With ‘Faysal Islami Amal Women Digital Account’, women can now open their bank accounts from the comfort of their homes, completing the entire process including biometric verification, without the need to visit a branch. Once the account is active, users can easily manage it through the Faysal DigiBank App or Faysal Bank’s state-of-the-art Faysal Islami WhatsApp Banking.
The Faysal Islami Amal Women Digital Account comes with a comprehensive range of exciting Shariah-compliant features and services including:
To open your ‘Faysal Islami Amal Women Digital Account’, download the Faysal Burraq App today!
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