ProPropertyNewsCDA Yet to Announce BuP Award in 7 Acquired Sectors

CDA Yet to Announce BuP Award in 7 Acquired Sectors

ISLAMABAD: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has failed to announce the Built-Up Property (BuP) award in seven of its sectors, which were acquired 15 years ago, despite the federal cabinet’s directive.

According to sources, the BuP cases need to be cleared to get possession of the land for sector development.

Meanwhile, construction has been taking place in these sectors, and the CDA may face a considerable loss in paying compensation against BuP cases.

The sectors with pending BuP awards are E-13, F-13, C-13, C-14, C-16, I-17, and H-16.

The CDA has so far developed 24 sectors and acquired land for seven more in 2008-09, for which BuP awards are pending.

CDA’s rules state that there are two types of awards: land award and BuP award, and the compensation will be announced in the form of plots or cash against the houses.

ALSO READ  Minister Orders Inquiry into Illegal Entries in G-14 Built-Up Property Award

However, the CDA failed to announce the BuP award in the seven sectors despite the federal cabinet’s directive in 2021 to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

The delay in the BuP awards created an opportunity for locals to construct new houses on the acquired land.

The CDA official suggested using satellite imagery to check the exact number of houses present at the time of the land award.

A senior CDA officer assured that the civic agency would soon announce BuP awards for pending sectors in a transparent manner.

He added that those whose cases were genuine would receive their due right, while those attempting to get compensation based on bogus documents would be discouraged.


  1. CDA must fulfill the codal formalities to provide the residential and commercial facilities as soon as possible

  2. سی ڈی اے کی باٸونڈری لاٸن آٸی ناٸن فور سی ڈی اے کی اکواٸر کی گٸی زمین جوکہ عرصہ دراز سے قبضہ مافیہ کے پاس اور سی ڈی اے نقشے کے مطابق سروس روڈ بھی بند لیکن کسی کو پرواء ہی نیہں اربوں کی کمرشل زمین قبضہ
    مافیہ کے پاس اور سی ڈی اے افسران حاموش آخر کیوں کیا وہاں سے منتھلی آرہی یا کیا وجہ اس زمین کو قبضہ مافیہ سے واگزار کیوں نہیں کروایا جارہا۔

  3. I hope that the Chairman CDA is now initiating new steps in the right direction. I hope that he will manage to cover all areas very soon. I think that the Sector D-13 is also neglected for the last 15 years. So please include the same in the development plan.

  4. Chatta Bakhtawar sector is yet to be developed despite all the land is plain and not a big area nor any other legal hindrance.

  5. Plz do something for CDA sec I/14 . Water is the main problem . Respected CHAIRMAN Sir , we need your attention ,we need your help , Plz help us . GOD BLESS YOU . Inaam ul Haq Alvi .

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