Weak Hotspots Can Cause you Security Risks

New attack method has been designed by hackers to get your system infected. We, very frequently, use Wi-Fi (wireless) access points in our offices, home, universities and public places such as restaurants and airports. Microsoft Windows actually tends to remember our previous Wi-Fi sessions, so that it can communicate with known Wi-Fi networks to connect your PC or laptop by sending synchronization packages, and all this happens without your approval.

Hacker used this function as a attacking method, as they send you requests to accept their networks as your Wi-Fi connections. These requests can be like “Hey it’s me your office access point connect here” or “This is your home network connect this”.

Normal users, like many of us, will connect these networks, but doing so will you get to bunch or attacks on your machine, as your operating system or application gives hackers unauthorized access to your system.
You cant skip these hacking requests, as they are carried away automatically. So you cant stop this but there are some ways to do some tweaking to keep such attacks busy for sometime and to put more effect to get them access to your system.

  • Keep your wireless card (Wi-Fi) devices turned off when not in use
  • Make sure what network you are connecting to
  • Keep you WiFi cache data clean
  • Use WPA2 with AES encryption method for your home or office networks.
Published by
M Ali Raza