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Why Professionals Don’t Blog in Pakistan?

I am giving out a thought, that blogging community in this country is dominated by youngsters and college/university students. Be it be money earning blogs, or those filled with philosophies, reviews, news, information, documentaries on various topics ranging from politics to sports.

Today, instead of writing something, I want you to share your thoughts, on “Why Youth Outnumber Pakistani Blogosphere?” and “Why professionals and Gurus from telecom, banking, agriculture and other industries don’t blog?

Why is it so that CFOs or CMOs hesitate to blog in Pakistan?

We would appreciate input from Professionals so that we actually know why they don’t blog or at least they hesitate to blog. Or if not the case – are you short of time or maybe you don’t feel like spreading your knowledge? What ever the case is – please share with us…!

Please share your thoughts in Comments – and based upon these responses, we will conclude the topic in an upcoming post.

Published by
Aamir Attaa