Ufone Solid Offer is Expiring Today…!

Just a friendly reminder to those blessed Ufone users who were using Solid Offer for last three months, Ufone Solid Offer is expiring today, with no further extension this time.

Ufone extended Solid offer twice, before it decided to permanently end the package tonight. Our sources at Ufone and Help Line have confirmed us that Solid Offer is ending tonight at 11:59 PM – sharp.

Ufone has already notified its customers about expiration of this package, through SMS and other communication channels.

After expiration of Solid Offer, Ufone users will retain normal Ufone packages, as they had before Solid Offer.

With Solid Offer Ufone customers could make free on-net calls after first three minutes.

Published by
Aamir Attaa