NayaTel Ranked Number 2 in Pakistan 25

nayatelNayatel has been ranked at number two among top fast growing companies in Pakistan, called Pakistan 25.

This ranking was done by Allworld Network, released today and available at

AllWorld Network was established in 2007 by Deirdre M. Coyle, Anne Habiby and Professor Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School, USA and they’ve done such ranking in Pakistan for the first time.

A total of 100 companies from Pakistan in various sectors applied for this ranking and 25 were selected by the panel of experts. Only the fastest growing private companies make the list, and each company is credentialed by AllWorld based on strenuous international standards.

Established in 2004 and now with over 500 employees, Nayatel is the number one telecom and IT company in this ranking with 1076 percent growth rate.  Company launched South Asia’s first fiber to the home (FTTH)/fiber to the user (FTTU) network in Islamabad in 2006.

This state of the art fiber wiring now serves 6,000 home and company users, and is key to providing the country’s capital city with a robust telecom infrastructure.

Sofizar, i2c, Corvit Networks, Miltilynx and Rozee also made to the Pakistan 25 list.

Published by
Mehwish Khan