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wi-tribe Franchisees Promote PTCL EVO #SPAM Emails #Fail

One would call it a marketing nightmare for the agency and the client itself if one brand ends up promoting a competition brand. This turned true for wi-tribe when it appeared in Senders’ name for a SPAM email (produced below) that was meant to promote PTCL’s EVO.

Interestingly, both the companies, wi-tribe and PTCL, use same (spam) email marketing firm to promote their products. It is anticipated that someone working at email marketing firm who is responsible for queuing emails mixed up the things and ended up sending wrong attachment file with the email.

Even more interesting is the fact that both wi-tribe and PTCL won’t own these SPAM emails, rather they will term these emails as individual act from franchisers, resellers or retailers, as if they don’t have any control on their resellers.

wi-tribe in a communication with ProPakistani said that company is strictly against email spamming and disallows all its franchisers and distributors from engaging into such malpractices.

But it is a worrying situation for general internet users who receive hundreds of emails on daily basis, ranging from dozens of brands including multinational companies, banks, mobile phone manufacturers, TV channels, online shopping stores and what not.

Once again, just to mention, all the Spammers are doing all this just because we don’t have cyber law in Pakistan, and email spamming isn’t considered an offense in Pakistan.

Published by
Aamir Attaa