PTI Website Has Been Hacked, Again!

PTI’s website has been hacked, yet again. This time, it is apparently by someone who is not too happy with Mr. Khan’s agenda. The website currently displays a message from the hacker as well as a link to a Facebook page titled, ‘Muslim Cyber Army’.

The message on the defaced website reads,

“Hacked by w3b_dR1ft3R”

“Hello Mr. Imran Khan”

“once i hacked your site before and i did again now, just because of you and your f**k*** agenda”

“Here is one beautiful quote for you”

“On average, women are better liar than men. But the best liars are men, because politicians are still predominantly men——–Jarod Kintz”

Here is the defaced website:

Here’s Zone-h mirror file:

And here is a screenshot of the message:

Published by
Syed Talal