TechnicianPK: Taking Care of All Your AC, Electrical & Maintenance Needs

Raise your hand if you’ve got the contact information for your plumber, carpenter, electrician, hardware and AC guys saved. If you’re like the most of us couch potatoes binging on the current season of Narcos or The Walking Dead, getting a hold of a handyman really seems like a herculean labor.

If only there was an app for that. If only those AC guys could be available at a moment’s notice (it’s almost winter now but you get the drift). If only that leaky faucet could be fixed on the jiffy, saving us from getting flooded until help arrived.

As it turns out, your troubles of finding the right handyman for the right task are at an end, all thanks to Technician PK, a service that’s dedicated to providing you with the best qualified and experienced personnel for the task at hand.

Technician PK: An Online Platform to Connect Repairmen with Customers

You need an electrician to check the wiring on your premises? Check. You need someone to install and get your wonky electrical appliances working again? Check. You need someone to see if that its you or whether the AC has conked out on you again? Check.

Basically the simple pitch for Technician is – you want someone to carry out installation or repairs, we got ‘em. Doesn’t matter if you’re a residential customer or commercial.

But these basic services are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Technician PK. And these guys sure don’t want to rest on their laurels as just a lowly provider of basic handyman services. The minds behind this startup also offer some specialized services such as:

  • Solar Power Solutions
  • UPS trouble shooting and installation
  • Designing of Electrical systems for commercial and residential consumers
  • CCTV and Security Solutions

Solar power is becoming more prevalent in our everyday lives and people are recognizing the need to go solar in a bid to reduce their energy bills. The energy professionals at Technician PK can take a look at your power consumption needs and draw a plan for you, listing everything down in an easier-to understand format for everyday consumers.

Security is also a major issue for Pakistani business and home owners, hence CCTV and video surveillance systems can also be installed via Technician PK.

In case your premises have faulty wiring or fluctuating voltage issues, perhaps it can be a good idea to have your electrical system checked by the experts. Who knows, you can even save yourself on your monthly power consumption bill due to inefficient wiring.

Even UPS batteries and units can be maintained and replaced by this services-oriented startup.

A Startup Groomed and Selected from the LUMS Investors Summit

Seeing the mushrooming growth of entrepreneurs in Pakistan from all walks of life, even universities like LUMS have realized the need to mentor and support these new startups to better prepare them for the challenges of the Pakistani marketplace. To this end, LUMS held its first edition of the LUMS Investors Summit, one year after the establishment of LUMS Center for Entrepreneurship (LCE). We hope other prominent universities in Pakistan can also adopt this model to give a big boost to Pakistani startup scene.

Customer satisfaction also happens to be a major plank of such startups mentored by top universities. According to one social media post by a satisfied customer of TechnicianPK, ‘They not only came with their own tools, they cleaned up the mess all the drilling made. Very professional!’

Since the concept of customer satisfaction is only just beginning to gain currency in an anti-consumer-protection society like Pakistan’s, the growth of customer-focused startups represents a paradigm shift in how business will be done in Pakistan in the near future. And unlike Marty McFly, the future does indeed look rosy indeed for Pakistani consumers who want convenience and top-notch services in one package.

Published by
Samir Yawar