Categories Hardware

Raspberry Pi Zero: The Cheapest Yet Versatile Computer That You Can Buy for Just $5

Owning a powerful computing machine is something that not many of us can afford but thanks to the introduction of Raspberry Pi Zero, everyone who has $5 in spare cash with them can afford it. Yes, that is correct, Raspberry Pi Zero only costs $5, making it much cheaper than the company’s original Raspberry Pi Model B and its successors, which have been sold in the range of $20-$35. The very surprising thing about Raspberry Pi Zero is that despite its low price tag, it is able to deliver up to 40 percent more performance compared to Raspberry Pi 1.

Specifications of Raspberry Pi Zero

Thanks to the featured 1GHz single core processor made on the ARM11 architecture, programmers and users alike will get more performance from it. The single core chip is present inside a Broadcom BCM2835 AP (or application processor), along with 512MB of LPDDR2 SDRAM. Naturally, the company had to stick with a RAM chip that delivered less bandwidth compared to DDR3 and DDR4 speeds in order to keep the pricing competitive.

There is also a microSD card slot and microUSB ports for the purpose of transferring data and powering up the extremely affordable computer. The remaining specifications have been listed below:

  • A miniHDMI port for 1080p60 video output
  • A 40-pin GPIO header
  • Identical pinout to Model A+/B+/2B
  • Composite video header

The Smallest Computer There Is?

Raspberry is not only the most affordable, but also the smallest computer that the company has ever built so far. It measures in at 65mm x 30mm x 5mm, which only means that it will be able to fit into the most smallest of openings and form factors without giving any trouble of fitting in. For programmers out there, this is perhaps the best present they could receive from a tech company. There are several thousand units that have been made and as demand increases, so will the number of units.

Published by
Omar Sohail