5 Ways of Evading Taxes in Pakistan and Not Ever Getting Caught

If you are a startup, blogger, freelancer, small business, self employed individual, corporation, company or anyone who is liable to tax, today we will tell you a secret way of evading tax and not getting caught ever.

Warning: it would be tax evasion and not tax saving, but don’t worry — we can guarantee you that you will never get caught.

Before we get to details, read below 5 methods of not paying taxes:

  1. Don’t pay the tax
  2. Never pay the tax
  3. Forget about paying the tax
  4. Think of how hard it was to earn your money and refuse to give it up
  5. Believe that you have paid the tax and don’t pay it again

So once you adopt any of the above mentioned method, fear not and be confident that your government will announce an amnesty scheme for you a few years from today and that’s when you will have to pay few pennies to get your self cleared. Know more about this amnesty scheme below at the end of the story.

In case you don’t feel good about evading tax, just relax and think of parliamentarians, business tycoons and everyone else who are several thousands times richer than you but evade tax with pride.

If you still don’t feel fine then spend the tax-able money on UPS installation, generator, also hire a security guard to safeguard your places, car maintenance required due to bad roads or similar expenses.

Please note: This is a rant against tax amnesty scheme or financial NRO from government that will allow filers and non-filers to pay a nominal tax (of one percent) against all their previous earnings for which they had never paid taxes. More details on tax amnesty can be viewed here.

Published by
Aamir Attaa