Karachi Resident Gets Rs. 2.39 Billion Electricity Bill

One resident from FB Area Karachi got the shock (a non-electric one) of his life when he received an electricity bill of Rs. 2.39 billion for the month of June 2016 from our own K-Electric.

Bill amount is arguably the highest ever in value for an individual and probably few more instances of such bills would be enough to clear the circular debt of the distribution company.

The man who lived in a not-so-posh locality of Karachi, could not have used this much amount of electricity units, much less pay it.

Here’s the copy of the bill for your eyes:

The development resulted in more headaches for the man and the power company, once the picture of the bill went viral on social media.

Social Media Shocked (and Mocked)

The picture of the bill has been shared extensively across social media, with many people mocking K-Electric’s ‘automatic’ billing system.

The resident of FB area who was incorrectly billed, filed a complaint with the power company regarding the inflated bill he received.

He was, according to social media, first asked to pay the bill in installments. All Rs. 2.39 billion of it. The company offered the guy to pay in three installments for some ease.

However, once the bill did the rounds on social media, K-Electric representatives must’ve realized their mistake, as opposed to the giant amount being a huge tip-off that all was not well.

Many avid social media users flooded the official KElectric Twitter account, trolling the service and hoping that they correct their error.

It seems that @KElectricPK twitter account has now clarified things once and for all.

Karachi’s sole power company has billed the correct amount to the consumer in question, and this record has also being electronically updated online as well.

At least the Rs. 2 billion electricity consumer might have a good story to tell at all the Iftar parties he will be invited to this month.

Published by
Samir Yawar